
Mentorship Repository for Machine Learning Type = Level 1

Project maintained by Twoleaps Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Mentorship Repository for Machine Learning Type = Level 1

Repository Navigation Guide

This template is designed to assist Twoleaps mentorship program. The template consists of two major sections: Goals and Progress tracker. Mentors and mentee should add goals prior to start of mentorship. Goals should be such that both party agree on. Progress tracker is to be updated on week by week basis with new tasks to complete the defined goals. For each week, a folder in the repository has to be maintained which captures the work done. It can be a small essay of things learned or written code etc.

Providing Feedback

Regular feedback is highly encouraged. Feedbacks should inspire improvement. Mentors should summarize week by week progress in form of feedback whenever possible and add it to the weekly work folder in form of week1/


<Add mentorship timeline here in weeks. Example: 8 weeks starting 10th August>


The objectives of the mentorship should be listed down here. They can be customized over time by the mentor or the menteeā€™s preferences.


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5